Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The gaming puzzle

Now, the concept I present to you may seem a tad deep and high concept, but please bare with me.

While taking a shower tonight I was going over the large variety of games I play and I found that on any given day I will play a puzzle game, an rpg, an fps, and maybe an rts. On some days it will be even more diverse, on others it may be just one or two. This got me thinking even more, these are my tastes, but they are also part of my gaming "puzzle" so to speak. If I go long enough without playing a game from one of these particular genres, I long for them like a crackhead longing for another hit. Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration but you know what I mean. I apologize for drawing a picture analogous to addiction, because it is far from it and I hate to add more fuel to the fire for anti-gaming lobbyists, but it just kind of popped in there and ostensibly it works.

So this "gaming puzzle" of mine is quite large. If we are to stay on the subject of puzzles and draw analogies from there, comparitively with someone who just plays Halo, their puzzle is made up of 8 pieces and features Barbie in the most elegant of dresses (and believe me, what an elegant dress it is) where as mine is a 5000 piece photomosaic printed on super high glossy material showcasing Howard Hughes standing on top of the world with a satisfied look on his face and money peeking out of the pockets of his ten thousand dollar suit. Fancy.

Those small puzzles are completed rather easy with one or titles here and there, and are complete most of the time. But for people like me, the puzzle is never really complete. As soon as one piece is put in place, another one is outdated and needs to be replaced because it no longer fits. It is as though time itself has become some interdimensional creature whose powers are changing the very shape of my personal puzzle pieces. Sometimes I don't want these pieces to be changed. Sometimes I am very happy with the puzzle that I have started to create. Oh sure, this new piece is newer and oh look, it's shinier, but I have to force it into the board to make it work and ya know, it just looks kind of ugly. But yet, if I take this piece out and replace it with the one that was previously there, my puzzle is behind the times. It has become retro.

Sometimes this happens, and sometimes it doesn't. The newest piece of my puzzle will finally replace a piece that was placed a long time ago but recently forgotten, that piece will be of "fighter" orientation, more specifically, it's Virtua Fighter 5.

When it will be placed into its rightful spot in my puzzle is a matter of fundage, a matter I intend to resolve as soon as the powers that be decide to award me for being me buy allowing me to win that lovely little game of chance called the "powerball." Oh you silly powers that be, you have procrastinated too long for my award, can I please have it now? I have school loans to pay off...

So what's my entire videogame puzzle like? It consists of almost every genre out there. Although, the shapes may vary in size and shape, they exist. The largest ones being of the fighting, rpg, fps, and puzzle sort.

Oftentimes, there cannot exist more than one type of piece in my puzzle at a time. No more than one puzzle game, no more than one FPS, and usually no more than one RPG. World of Warcraft is an exception (for me) because there is really no end.

So anyway, what's your gaming puzzle?


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