Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Urge and the 360

The audio director for Microsoft Games, Caesar Filori, came to IPR today to speak about videogames and after his presentation, I had a chance to speak to the knowledgable fellow on a few topics he didn't cover. I only had a few minutes so we weren't able to go into very much detail but I think it turned out quite well. I'll post the video online in a few days after I finish the editing and audio implementation. Until then, here's something to think about: Why hasn't Microsoft implemented their URGE music store on the 360?Doesn't it seem like a no-brainer to have their fledgling music service be directly linked to their video game console and their online network? To me it seems like Microsoft is really dropping the ball on this one.Imagine, being able to skip having to stream it from your pc and instead just stream or download it from your console. Sounds like a good deal to me. Oh and if they eventually implement this idea, it better not be half-assed in such a way that if I want to play it on both my 360 and my pc that I would have to buy multiple accounts. It's bad enough that if I want to buy Zuma on my 360 I still have to pay full price for all of the other versions out there. No. Screw that. Solution? A blanket license covering all versions of that game. If you want to play it on another platform, pay a couple of bucks. Why a couple of bucks? To handle the conversion and all that jazz. It sure beats paying $20 for something you already own. Eh, anyway, I'm tired.Goodnight.


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